Thursday 2 June 2011

Thursday Visitors

Today we went to the Year 1/2 wet area for a big surprise. We had some strange visitors to our school. We saw the "Spineless Wonders". It was fantastic!
First we got our name tags on and went to the wet area and sat on a mat. The man told us all about spiders and insects and his daughter's pets. Lucy and Josh had to use their fingers like a rake and try to find the special pet. We thought it would be a spider but it was a giant cockroach! LUCY was very brave and held it straight away.

We saw lots of different insects and were allowed to hold two different types of stick insects as well a a giant cockroach and some beetles. They felt very tickly on our hands.
CALLUM,SAM and TEIA were very interested in the stick insect that looked like a dead leaf. It felt like dad's  prickly face on its tummy.
This type of stick insect can camouflage itself amongst the dead leaves.

WILL made a bridge with his hands to keep the beetle safe from falling off.

CONNOR couldn't believe his eyes! This stick insect was as long as a ruler!

This stick insect's tummy felt like soft velvet. He loved hanging upside down from the twig.

JOSH was very brave to hold the giant cockroach.

RYAN loved patting the Rainbow Beetle. It was beautiful and shiny.

We were all very happy to get to touch the bugs.  Did you know:
that a spider has 2 body parts and 8 legs? The legs come from the top body part. The bottom body part has no muscles but a lot of guts in it. (Cooper)
People in some countries eat Tarantulas and use their fangs for a toothpick?
The bugs felt soft and a bit spiky (Connor)
The Rainbow Beetle felt sticky when I touched it but it didn't stick to me it just FELT sticky. (Zak)
Some bugs can sting and some can camouflage. (Lucy)
Some bugs do smelly Pop-Offs! (many of the boys :) )


  1. Wow that looks like fun. In Term One we went to the Auckland Museum and got to hold a stick insect called Bruce. Today we had a surprise too. A Mack Truck came for a visit.

  2. Hi Tiny Teds, those insects looked amazing! You are very brave to touch them. I have eaten a tarantula, it was hairy and the part that cooper described with all the guts in tasted very yucky!
    Miss Mac
