Wednesday 14 September 2011

Learning About Animals

This Term we have been learning a lot about all kinds of animals. We have done some amazing work too.
We learnt about camouflage and how animals can protect themselves from predators. We made our own camouflaged animals - can you see them?

There is a camouflaged dinosaur here - can you see its eye?

There is a swan hiding in this picture. All I can see is its wobbly eye.

We also learnt about animal coverings. We looked at photos of animals, animal books and plastic animals. Then we had to draw one of them in black texta. Afterwards we had to paint a piece of paper to look just like the animal's covering. When it was dry, we glued it to black card and were allowed to write the animal's name with Mrs E's new silver pen. Then we told Mrs E some things about our animal and she wrote it down for us. They look really cool hanging on the pin-up board.

On the free painting table,there were some snake pictures that looked like spirals.We used water colour paints to decorate them and then cut around it very carefully. Then Mrs E hung them up from the net and they hung down like curly snakes.

We also did some writing about the day the Farm came to visit last week. Mrs E said that we are getting really clever at writing words. We also drew and painted a picture about the farm.

We also learnt about owls. They are really special birds. Did you know that:

Their eyes aren't really as big as they look - their feathers make the eyes look bigger (Harry)
Owls have eyes at the front of their heads like humans, not at the side like other birds. (Taj)
Owls can't move their eyes to look at the side and they have to move their whole heads to look. (Ella)
Owls are nocturnal. (Emily B)
Owls eat their breakfast in the night and sleep at the day. (Will)

We made owls.


  1. Hi PP2. Your animal drawings are fantastic.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Lovely and colorful artwork. :D
