Thursday 4 August 2011

Planting Trees

Today was very exciting because we got to do tree planting at the back of the hill. We came to school in our old tree planting clothes and had old boots and gumboots too. First we had Assembly practise and then we put on gardening gloves, got our little trowels and diggers and walked down to the planting area.
There we met some adults who told us what we had to do. Then we joined with a Year 4 kid, got a plant, fertiliser tablet, some sticks and a plastic protector.

This is what the area looked like when we first got there this morning - it's no wonder there are no birds living there.

We all walked down to the area. We didn't wear our hats because we had so much to worry about and we weren't going to be there very long. Also it was supposed to rain while we were there. But it was sunny and we had sunscrean on.

The ladies showed us the seedlings and let us have one each to start with.

We carefully dug a hole -

Some of the seedlings needed a fertiliser tablet in the bottom of the hole to feed the plant. The Kangaroo Paws didn't though.

We carefully put the seedling into the hole and filled the hole back in with soil.

Then we had to put a special protector around the plant. This will save the plant from getting eaten by the rabbits and kangaroos. It will also protect it from the strong winds.

Some of the bigger kids climbed on the hill and planted trees there.

When we finished it looked really great and we are very proud of our planting to help the Carnaby Cockatoos - what do you think?

After we had left, the school gardeners came and watered all our plants. We will check on them next week

After lunch we had a rest and Indee and Connor fell asleep because they were so tired from all the planting. The rest of us will sleep well tonight!  Mrs E, Mrs M and Mrs W all said that they will have to go to bed early too!


  1. Wow. The area you planted will look beautiful when eveything grows. The birds will be happy.

  2. It's really a great feeling especially when you teach children to care for the mother earth. We should practice this act and spread good deeds to promote fresh air and home for many kinds of species of birds and other animals.
